selamat datang pencinta MACRAME

get it the ide and make your macrame,,,,^_^..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

anggraenii nie juga murid ane loh ^_^

Part 1, Edisi LASTRI si anak manja #indahnya berbagi ilmu dengan adik-adik diPANTI ASUHAN AMPERA yayasan Siti Khadijah Pringgasela

Adek yang manis ini namanya Lastri, umurnya masih sangat muda, kelas 5 SD, bayangkan kreasi tas tali kur yang di pegangnya itu adalah buatannya sendiri. lastri adek yang paling sering saya becandain, seneng banget becanda sama adek satu ini, anaknya lucu cantik. lastri juga bagian dari Panti asuhan Ampera Pringgasela, dia sudah sejak lama tinggal di PA, karena kondisinya yang yatim, dia harus berpisah dari hangatnya keluarga dan tinggal bersama teman-temannya di PA. tapi Lastri sekali lagi tetap jadi gadis mungil yang tumbuh penuh dengan kasih sayang, ia begitu ceria apa lagi kalo ketawa, ketawanya bisa membuat orang lain ikut tertawa, solah-olah tersihir gitu.. paling sering ku marahin, tapi dia nggak pernah takut sama sekali, soalnya marahnya sambil becanda.
Lastri ini juga termasuk muridku yang pintar, mau belajar, suka bertanya, dan tidak pantang menyerah, meskipun dia murid paling kecil tapi dia tetap punya semangat gede membuat tas dari tali kur. sejak masih muda memberikan mereka bekal untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik di masa depan. 
seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya saya ingin menjadikan adik-adik ini orang yang hebat, meskipun mereka yatim, tapi saya yakin mereka bisa lebih hebat dari orang-orang yang keluarganya berada. setiap manusia punya hak yang sama memperbaiki hidupnya. Allah pun berkata seperti itu ManJadaWajadda. 
oh iya, lasti lagi bikin tas ukuran besar, tapi masih dalam proses, ketemu lagi diposting selanjutnya kalo tas part 2 nya lasti dah jadi, 
#yang mau berbagi ilmu di Panti asuhan contac saya ya....

Part 1, wonderful to share knowledge with younger brothers and sisters at the orphanage foundation AMPERA Siti Khadijah Pringgasela

My Sweet sister's name IKA, she still attended first class at  junior high school 1 Pringgasela Lombok Timur NTB,  where I graduated also in my village, she was my student at the Orphanage, which I define as student, sister, and friend sharing. Ika is so typical greeting me, she's very smart, so I taught directly can make rope bag macrame. she catching up and understanding the material very quickly, even she is not ashamed to ask, "what next sister Dian?".
Ika is an orphan who lost her father two years ago, though so young orphanage she never felt inferior to mingle. Even she is more optimistic than children whose parents reside. Smile and a life full of passion, makes me think, GOD is fair.
Ika is not only one of my students at the orphanage there are plenty about 11 people, program guide younger siblings at the orphanage to have the skills, actually already started 2 weeks ago, and the results were above the bag, I teach them to make an bag macrame , as their stock when they are grown up and later want to open the entrepreneurs themselves, at least they have skill could make a rope bag macrame.
For me it was very beautiful to share, no stories we share whatever it immediately so poor, on the contrary, when we can share it, will increasingly have what we have. these things should not be calculated in money, sacrifice, hard work and sincerity is much more important, not hypocritical but the name of social work should be unwilling.
And I hope that, this is the greatest of all, I hope one day they can become self-sufficient, it could open up opportunities for others in need, and science can be useful for anyone. See someday I'll make my hometown a macrame bag craft industry's most well-known traditional weaving,,, # hope. So that no more people unemployed, or fight for employees civil servants seats